Design Thinking Sprints
Sie haben vor neue Produkte, Services oder Marketingideen zu entwickeln? Oder sie wollen eine ganz andere Idee mit Ihrem Team…
In Tools
But don’t worry, it’s not only because we are all children at heart. The reason why we encourage our participants to build with Lego, create a story with Storycubes, prototype solutions at the crafts table or drive on the fast lane with our brand race is that it often allows us to gather insights beyond what is said.
By using fun and out-of-the-box methods, participants can get beyond the cliché of superficial and pre-conceived opinions – and end up telling you more than they would in a regular discussion. Why did they pick a superhero to represent a brand or a product? What attributes do the associate with Superman? What’s his kryptonite? Who would win the brand race: the sophisticated race car or the conventional but reliable truck? By using playful methods, we open up a whole new layer in the discussion and dig deeper to get you the insights you really need.
Sie haben vor neue Produkte, Services oder Marketingideen zu entwickeln? Oder sie wollen eine ganz andere Idee mit Ihrem Team…
Do you sometimes get tired when you think about the good old strength and weaknesses discussion? Let’s spice things up…
Wir bei Point Blank sind überzeugt davon: Design Thinking ist eine großartige Idee! Jedoch erleben wir auch, dass sich der…