Rich Media Reports

By Christoph Welter

In Tools

Being confronted with long and unilateral presentations can be a torture – we all have or had to suffer from this in our work life. We’re asking why it has to be this way?

There is no need to bring people into a deep state of trance. You have to offer your team a medial experience where boredom will not come up – at any point of the presentation. Our Rich Media Reports are a multimedia adventure to move your team members or clients and be totally immersed. It’s for everyone really, but maybe especially so for YouTube savvy digital natives, or demanding clients with scarce time and attention resources. We bring knowledge to life, and make it vivid with a mixture of video snippets, memorable key points, podcasts, photos, audio, graphics, scribbles, animatics and music – all cut together, well arranged and put-in-sense by our media experts. That is what we call rich media: Forget boredom – welcome engagement.

  • Get results in a different, bespoke format – a multimedia venture
  • Integrate all kinds of mediums to extend opportunities
  • Gain attention with your recipients and create involvement with the content
  • Surprise and convince with an experience

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